Tuesday, April 8, 2014

My Bridal Shoes!

Hey There!

The shoes that I ordered for my wedding came in the mail last week, and I'm super excited to share them with you.

I needed to have my shoes by this Thursday, because I have a wedding dress fitting, and the hem is being measured.  I need to be the exact height that I will be on the day so my dress will be the perfect length in whatever size heels I decided on.  Even though I have zero fashion sense, my wedding dress was a decision that I wanted to make all on my own.  However, when it came to the shoes, I hadn't a clue what would look nice and go with my dress.  I have a cousin, Ali, who is going to college for fashion design, so I decided to enlist her help with this one.  She lives in Virginia, so we communicated via Facebook and she sent me ideas and choices she liked. 

The first thing that we thought about was the surfaces I would be on.  My reception is inside on wood floors, so there's no real issue there.  The ceremony is outside, so I'll be walking on wood chips/dirt (forest floor?).  In order to not set myself up to fail and take a dive, we decided that wedges would be our best bet.   My dress is ivory, so we thought we'd just match that...and there's 2 criteria established.

I don't pay attention to a bride's shoe at a wedding...does anyone?  The seamstress doing my hem had told me that I need to make sure that they are comfortable, since I can't really take them off.  Wearing the high heels all day and night will be quite the feat for me, but I'm vertically challenged so it's kind of a must. 

The price ruled out a bunch of nice options (we were trying to stay under $100), and quicker than I thought, it was down to two.  So, I decided to take a look at the reviews for each shoe.  There was only one review for each, it turns out.  The first shoe didn't get a great review and they said it was really uncomfortable, and they were returning it.  The customer was really happy with the second one and didn't have any com[plaints, so wa-la!  I picked my shoe! 

If you are planning a wedding I highly recommend asking for help from your bridal party/guests.  Most people are elated to help, and it takes a lot of the stress off your hands.  Also, the guests feel more invested in the wedding and more of a part of the wedding day because they contributed something.  Win-win.

Thanks for reading!!

Follow me! Twitter & Instagram  @yes_cassiewill


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