Tuesday, March 4, 2014

The Moments When Your Body CHANGES!

I did Day 7 of the Catching Fire Challenge by DailyHiit this morning.  Holy crap!  It was a hard one, but a great workout.  I'll link the workout at the end of this post so you can see exactly what it entails.  There are 6 intervals within the work where you skip rope for 30 seconds straight, and that is a lot harder than it sounds.  It was in those skipping intervals when I was so gassed that it took everything I had to keep going.  But it's in those moments, at the end of a skipping interval when you've got 10 or 15 seconds left, that your body makes changes.  You don't burn fat and get toned during the first set when you're feeling great and barely out of breath.  When you dig in and bust out 10 more seconds when your body is telling you to stop, that's when you're gaining more stamina.  Next time you do the workout, you're going to be able to go for maybe 10 more seconds without feeling like you are going to die.  It's ironic that the moments that are most painful are going to yield less painful moments later on.  It's definitely something that is extremely hard to convince yourself of, especially in the moment! 

So this was my enlightened thought during my workout today that I thought I'd share.  I don't usually do my best thinking when I am gasping for air, but I think this one is not bad.

If you want to see the workout in detail, click HERE.

Thanks for reading!  Follow me on twitter and instagram!  @Yes_CassieWill


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