Friday, July 11, 2014

DIY Wedding Decorations: Can I DIM?!

When it comes to the decorations for my wedding, I'm trying to keep it simple, inexpensive, but also really nice-looking and outdoorsy. I want to try to do as much of it as I can myself. The problem there is that I am not a crafty, artistic person, so I'm very nervous that it's all going to end up looking like a kindergartener made everything. Or it's just going to look stupid and pieced together. *Doubts abilities to craft*

I went to Michael's the other day and decided to start very simply with the DIY decor. Mike and I had talked about having wedding photos of our parents and our grandparents hanging up on a wall in the lodge. We could buy picture frames for this purpose, but I spotted these cool wood frames at Michael's and I thought they might work well for this project. I got acrylic paint in a few colors; a green, a bronze and a peach color; not knowing what color would look best. After painting one green and one bronze, I think I want to paint them all different shades of green. That might look nice on the wood walls of the lodge. Here's hoping I can pull some DIY brilliance out of my butt! =)
The green paint I used was in the shade 'Leaf Green'.
 This is how it looked after one coat of paint.

Here is the finished green frame, along with the bronze one. I can't wait to see how they look with the photos in them!

This is what I'm thinking of doing for the center pieces. These are just bottles with fake moss glued to the outside of them, but I think they look so cool and 'rustic' I guess (haha). Perfect for the vibe we're going for.
I found these lovely works of art on bliss bloom blog, a craft and lifestyle journal you can find here.
 Thanks for reading and let me know what you think of my frame idea!
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